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Plan Ahead for TikTok Marketing


It feels like 2022 has just begun but its already March! Many Holidays will sneak up on brands and businesses before they have a chance to market it effectively!

Thats why its important to plan like the big companies and PLAN AHEAD for all holidays and events. TikTok is a crucial piece of that plan. More and more people are discovering products for the first time on TikTok, and buying them!

Feeling lost on how to amplify your strategy on TikTok as a brand? Lets break that down.

1. Take Note of Key Shopping Days and Habits

Plan holiday posts, sales and content 3-5 weeks minimum before the actual holiday. If you are promoting a product that is holiday specific, you will want to start promotion even earlier.

If you are promoting a sale or post that is holiday specific but the actual product isn't holiday themed, 1-2 weeks before hand will be the best timing to get started. Get these dates marked on your calendars now so you can plan ahead.

2. Hire an agency like Clicks Talent

As a TikTok Influencer Marketing Agency we have a network of over 1000 content creators and Influencers ready to market your brand! On any platform, anytime. We are a full service, end-to-end marketing agency which strives to offer the perfect influencers for your brand and deliver high quality, professional viral content to promote your business. Our influencers' and their followers are vetted before they join a campaign to ensure an accurate engagement rate.

By working with a majority of the short video platforms worldwide, we have a unique understanding of how this industry works and we use that knowledge to get your brand where you want it to be. Given this industry, we understand the frustrations and setbacks. We pride ourselves on our honesty and quick response to ensure a good relationship with our clients and an extremely effective campaign.

3. Use Influencer Marketing

Influencer marketing on TikTok is extremely powerful. 39% of TikTok users have said they discovered a new product or brand that they did not know about before.

This is a huge opportunity for brands as a whole to market to a diverse group of people. Did you know that 77% of TikTokers have said they purchased something because they saw it on TikTok. Check out the hashtag #tiktokmademebuyit.

Clicks Talent helps you use influencer marketing to your advantage. We have worked with brands, music artists, apps and service providers from around the world. Reaching Billions of users with our interactive campaigns. Check out some of our case studies here.

4. Study TikTok yourself (or hire someone to do it)

Sometimes it's in your best interest to hire a marketing manager or agency to understand social media for you. This can give you back the time to manage your business while someone else is helping you market and grow on other channels!

See how #teamclicks has successfully used influencer campaigns on TikTok

See so much more here.

Clicks Talent is here to help you grow as a brand. We have a network of over 1000 content creators ready to market your product, song, brand and more! Contact us today to learn more about getting started.

1 Comment

Joey Tremblay
Joey Tremblay
Apr 07, 2022


I have gone through the blog and I must say it was very informational and the facts you stated are true. Well, I would also like to shae some facts on Tik Tok Advertising and Marketing.

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